Research Writing at Wheaton

Library Research at Wheaton in the COVID-19 Era

Although the world is in the grip of a pandemic, college students are still writing research-intensive papers. For Wheaton College, this means altering library systems and practices to keep our neighbors and ourselves safe while we research.

Writing Center

Tips for a Successful Online Consultation

I was going to open with a phrase about the “new normal in these unprecedented times,” but let’s face it, you’ve come to accept that everything is changing. Especially relevant to a college community, COVID-19 has forced the world to rework the way it handles in-person commitments. 

Writing Process

A Near-Comprehensive Guide to Brainstorming

It’s been a month since you were assigned that term paper, and if we’re being honest with each other, you haven’t given it a moment’s thought since you stuck the assignment guidelines sheet in the back of a notebook and promptly forgot about it. The paper is due next week, and you still have no idea where to begin.